Brian Geach - Writings

Brian has always had a passion for the written word. In 2010, Brian received a Master’s Degree in Writing from James Cook University in Queensland.

Recently his essay entitled DENZIL appeared in Australia’s most prestigious literary publication, The Griffith Review.

Other articles have appeared in newspapers, periodicals, magazines and online  including The Australian, The New York Review of Books and The Townsville Bulletin. Brian also edits and writes for an industry journal, Compliance Review Quarterly which canvasses issues affecting the entertainment, advertising and marketing sectors.

The worth of great travel writing resides in the communication of the author’s journey within, the internal quest, the life examined.
Review, ‘To a Mountain in Tibet’. The Townsville Bulletin, April 2011

Poolside is a little disappointing. The pool is plastic and quite small. By small I mean you could stand in the middle and touch both sides. A threadbare and dusty lawn surrounds it. Three faded recliner chairs complete the poolside picture…
The cabin is of A frame construction, the type you see at ski resorts, but it strikes a somewhat discordant note on a tropical island.
The Weekend Australian. November 2007

What makes this book a fascinating read is the sheer detail in the author’s narrative…we come to understand the immense skill and courage of these early navigators.
‘Sea of Dangers’ by Geoffrey Blainey. Review excerpted in New York Review of Books, November 2009

For most of my adult life I blamed him for our lack of intimacy, but I know now that I’m as much to blame as he is.Why was my curiosity so self serving, and why did I save it in the main for the trite and the spectacular? Why did it take me so long to understand that a caring curiosity for a loved one is the ultimate intimacy?
 ‘Denzil’.The Griffith Review, August 2011

Power dressed in a sleek three piece suit, the pompous passenger glanced up from his Blackberry, summoned the purser and in a voice calculated to be heard, demanded to know whether the other passenger had paid full fare and was entitled to occupy a hallowed first-class seat.
The Australian, October 2012

…there, lumbering through the dappled tropical light are two huge Komodo Dragons, their heads slowly ranging from side to side and their great forked tongues probing the still air.
The Australian, March 2014

Early morning on the upper reaches of Sydney’s Middle Harbour and the coal black waters of Garigal National Park are still and oily-smooth. A veil of mist lies suspended over the water and save for the laughter of distant kookaburras its as quiet as an empty church.
The Australian, January 2016